E-5 Adhesive Formula - Adhesive for Composite Materials

Component dosage /g component dosage /g
A , E-44 epoxy resin 1.8 solvent (ethyl acetate: anhydrous ethanol = 7 : 3 ) 10
Zinc Phenolic Resin 17.3 B : 2 -Methyl- 4 -methyl imidazole 2
Polyvinylacetaldehyde 14 A : B=10 : 1 0.5
Nitrile rubber -40 1.8   
Preparation and curing    Proportioned and formulated. The bonding pressure was 0.05 MPa, and the curing was performed at 130 °C for 4 hours .
use   The temperature range of this adhesive is -70 to 180 °C. It is used for bonding of aluminum, steel, copper and other metals and FRP, and is suitable for plastic riveting methods to manufacture sealed containers. It has good toughness and tightness, oil, water, alcohol and other media.