Ingeniously create natural eyebrows with eyebrow powder

The most distinctive feature of this year's nude makeup is: the true color! The trend of makeup is returning to the natural clean and natural effect. Let's take a look at the practical skills of the thrush.

Eyebrow powder draws natural eyebrow

诀窍: The eyebrow powder draws a natural eyebrow shape, and the eyebrows can not be forgotten.

A pair of lifeless eyebrows will look less clean. For many people, the thrush is definitely a technical job, but as long as the practice, the office worker MM will soon get it. The clean and natural eyebrow shape is the key to fresh nude makeup.

Step 1: After repairing the eyebrows, first draw the eyebrow line with the foundation, then draw the eyebrow shape, start with the eyebrow powder from the deepest place, and draw the brow and brow. Draw a brow at the eyebrow to make it look thinner.

Step 2: Take the pearlescent color of the high-gloss powder cosmetics to improve the three-dimensional sense of the eyes, so that the level of the eyes is highlighted.

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