Beijing Andamei Electronics Co., Ltd.

Serial number sales price
1 QZK1300 program-controlled cutter 68500 yuan / Taiwan
2 QZK920 program-controlled paper cutter 48,000 yuan / Taiwan
3 A3 vertical manual paper cutter 1800 yuan/set
4 A3 desktop manual paper cutter 1700 yuan/set
5 A4 vertical manual paper cutter 1200 yuan/set
6 A4 desktop manual paper cutter 1100 yuan / Taiwan
7 Ricoh 500ml machine ink 12 yuan/box
8 Ricoh 600ml machine ink 16 yuan/box
9 Gestetner 500ml machine ink 12 yuan/box
10 Gestetner 600ml machine ink 16 yuan/box
11 Depot 514ml machine ink 17 yuan/box
12 Gestetner 2172 printing ink 5.8 yuan / box


1.8.5 inches true color, full Chinese display, resolution 0.01mm, computer selected from the United States, the controller selected Matsushita Electric Works, Japan, the power part of the Stone Group products, push paper speed up to 8 meters / minute, can be edited 10 10,000 programs, each program can edit 10000 data, can automatically cut paper.

2. The company no longer sells 4-inch, single-display, single-chip program control systems with a paper speed of 3.8 meters/second.

Ordinary paper cutting machine program-controlled paper cutter Price: 24800 yuan / Taiwan

Address: Room 3206, Changchun Garden Hotel, No.5 Xiyuan Caochang, Haidian District, Beijing

Tel: (010) 62625024, 13901355206

Contact: Lu Zhenhua

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