Basketball venue construction pay attention to matters

The basketball game field is a rectangular, flat, obstacle-free venue. The size of the new basketball court is 28m long and 15m short.

The boundary of the long edge is called the edge line, and the boundary line of the short edge is the end line. During the construction, the middle point of the two end lines should be used as the centerline of the site to control the size and position of the whole site symmetrically, especially when several blue ball courts are under construction at the same time. It is necessary to control the centerlines of each field one by one to prevent misplacement of venues.

Due to the needs of the competition, the needs of the basketball facilities and the needs of the athletes, the construction site is often larger than the boundaries of the competition rules. On both sides of the long side, at least 1m is built on the outside, and each side of the end line should be at least 1m or 3m, depending on the needs of the basket equipment.

Construction line work is based on the center line, determine the end point of one end, the amount of backwards 3m, forward to the end point of the opposite end, the vertical centerline from the end point to both sides of the amount of half-value 7.5m, plus 1m. See below.


Note: 1—centerline; 2—edgeline; 3—endline;

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