The environmental impact of trees used to produce a ton of pulp during its growth

[Chinese Packaging News] UPM has collaborated with the Finnish Environment Agency (SYKE) to develop a method for evaluating "ecosystem services" related to the production of wood products. For example, the additional benefits that trees generate over the production of wood products.

This pilot study focused on assessing the environmental impact of trees used to produce a ton of pulp during its growth. The study conducted a detailed analysis of carbon sink effects, water conservation, and sustainability of native forest species. Studies have confirmed that there are other multiple benefits for the forest where pulpwood is sourced.

The study examined the amount of wood needed to produce a ton of softwood pulp in UPM in Finland and the time required for the growth of the trees used. The trees consumed per ton of pulp can purify more than 8 million cubic meters of water during the growth period and absorb more than 4,000 kilograms of carbon dioxide.

Of Finland's more than 20,000 types of forests, most are used as production wood. Hundreds of species, such as mosses, lichens and insects, rely on pulping trees to survive. Regular forest renewal ensures the long-term survival of these species.

UPM's operations are based on multi-use wood, which not only produces pulp but also sawn timber, plywood, composites, paper and label materials. The company also uses forestry byproducts and residues to produce energy, biochemical products and renewable diesel.

Developing a vision for sustainable development

“With the help of the 'Ecosystem Services' assessment method, the impact of land management and raw material production on the environment can be described in more diverse ways. In the study, the most important indicators related to global environmental issues were selected. Such as renewable natural resources, climate change, clean water resources and biodiversity. In sum, TimoLehesvirta, UPM Global Forest Department Director, said, "The benefits from forests are varied and range from products that we can collect to recreational enjoyment. Of all aspects."

Petteri Vihervaara, a senior research expert in the field of SYKE ecosystem services, said: “Similar projects like this are crucial for Finland’s evolving bioeconomy. The company’s management system should include the assessment of natural ecosystems, and it should be developed into a responsibility and effectiveness. "The business has not reached a consensus on the indicators or methods for measuring ecosystems, but our research marks a step forward in the area of ​​ecosystem assessment."

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