The importance of constant temperature and humidity machine testing mobile phone accessories?

The importance of constant temperature and humidity machine testing mobile phone accessories?

In our daily life, mobile phones have occupied a lot of space. 24 hours a day, some people never leave their mobile phones. Mobile phones have brought great convenience to people and have been widely used in the contemporary information society. However, due to the special nature of electronic product production and materials, mobile phones are extremely susceptible to daily life. Temperature, humidity, pressure, radiation, etc. in the natural environment may cause adverse reactions in mobile phones. This also fully shows that the mobile phone must undergo strict environmental testing before leaving the factory to detect the impact and reliability of the environment on the mobile phone. The constant temperature thermostat or the constant temperature thermostat is the most suitable for the factory inspection of mobile phones, computers and other electronic products.

There are more and more mobile phone manufacturers, and the cycle of new machine launches has been shrinking, so there are problems in product reliability that are difficult to find. Any new mobile phone product needs to be rigorously tested by authorized inspection units; research and development of more comprehensive and easy-to-use mobile phone testing equipment has become the top priority at this stage.

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